
Pointers for GQL and SQL/PGQ

This page contains pointers to the GQL (Graph Query Language) standard and the SQL/PGQ extension of the SQL standard. Both allow querying property graphs using the visual graph syntax (a.k.a. ASCII art syntax) popularized by Cypher.


Systems supporting GQL and SQL/PGQ

System Language Developed in
Oracle 23ai SQL/PGQ industry
Google Cloud Spanner Graph GQL industry
DuckPGQ SQL/PGQ academia

See also the joint announcement blog post Neo4j and AWS Neptune.

GQL resources

See the opengql GitHub organization (maintained by LDBC) for resources to implement GQL.

See also the GQL Parser prototype from 2021 by Olof Morra (TU Eindhoven)

Standardization process

Online Resources


Posts, talks, podcasts